Monday, December 10, 2007

Amazon Kindle

While the debate rages, I have to admit I'm kind of crushing on the Kindle.

eBooks have NEVER intrigued me. Cold. A screen. Blick.

The Kindle is way improved from those first attempts. I'm pretty sure I sold one to our computer guy who had to fix my horrible virus--his wife should thank me--I'm that enthusiastic about it. The only glitch in my dancing (yes, literally) description of all the cool features was when he asked me if I had one.

I still hold out a dream for a partnership between Amazon and Apple to come up with the best bells and whistles (think iPod) and the access Amazon provides. What a gift and HUGE step forward that would be. Of course, a drop in price would be a good thing too.

And one more thing that would be so cool . . . publishers realizing that the ability to share a few chapters through Kindle could equate easily to more sales. Sometimes letting go means an easier path to create buzz about a book, and money in the pocket.

The cost of producing bound books filled with paper and ink (think trees and environmental hazard) isn't going to come down. With Kindle, it goes away.

I wonder if a way to hand sell will come along?

It's all better with friends.


  1. As much as I love my computer-and I just bought a laptop as well-I still enjoy turning the pages of a book sitting in my recliner or lying in bed before going to sleep. What a cold way to read a "book" from an electronic reader. The only advantage is not going to the library or bookstore-but that is half the pleasure anyway-to peruse the titles and authors.

  2. Since I haven't actually laid my hands on a Kindle, I can't tell you first-hand how it feels. But I'm TOLD that within a few pages, you forget you're reading electronically. They've done something special with the background and the "ink" that gives it more natural look--if not a natural feel.

    But since I want to be published one day, I have a little dream of seeing my books lined up together in the "B" section at the bookstore. What a thrill.
