Saturday, April 17, 2010

John Irving on the Writer's Craft

I love hearing a bit from authors who have blazed their own trail. Some of our challenges have changed, but many of them are the same:

To craft a compelling story. To gift readers with a moment—a glimpse—into a world so different they're immersed into an alternate reality, but similar enough they can relate. To string a few words that are not new together and create something unique and magical.

Listen to John Irving, Master Craftsman:

CR: Under the Dome by Stephen King. I'm not even 1/2 way through this one. A fabulous story, but I'm finding some POV shifts disconcerting. I'm sure it's my bad, not King's.

It's all better with friends.


  1. Interesting post. Did you watch the video on his web site about Last Night in Twisted River. Some insight into how he writes and about the importance of the first sentence. Really cool. It's better to appall your readers than please them. He's anxious and he wants his readers to be anxious with him. I think I'm going to have to read Last Night in Twisted River! Thanks.

  2. I really like this. I'll have to look for Twisted River one, too...
