Friday, May 18, 2012

When Hard Work Meets Luck… and L.J. Sellers

When something fabulous happens to a writer there's a tendency to call him lucky. His timing was perfect so he got someone's attention. She got in the business before the business changed. He must know someone.

But the truth is, she's worked hard. Luck didn't come knocking at her door while she was sitting on her behind. She pretty much lived and breathed to write good books. Every day she showed up for work and took care of business. And one day Luck noticed.

L.J. Sellers is one of the hardest working authors I know. She has always been there to give me some advice or kick around some ideas. She's encouraged me and become a trusted friend. Now she shares some fantastic news. I hope you'll stop by Crime Fiction Collective and congratulate her.

It's all better with friends.


  1. Thanks Peg for all your support. I was just thinking about luck today, and how being successful as a writer involves talent, tenacity, and often a little luck. I do feel very fortunate!

  2. Luck happens when you've worked hard. When you're prepared. Yeah… a little luck came your way. But the REASON it came your way was because of your talent and tenacity. It would never have shown up otherwise.

  3. Thanks! To be in the right place over and over again for luck to happen means showing up, putting yourself out there, and sending all those "hopeless/wishful thinking" emails. :)
