Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Finish Lines

Some people are great with self-imposed deadlines. Somehow they're able to assign an importance to something that, well . . . isn't.

Maybe that's why I'm lousy at this exercise. I don't believe.

That said, isn't the term "finish line" a lot more optimistic than "deadline"?

And THAT said, I now have a self-imposed finish line for the completed first draft of Rough Waters.

Rather than just pick a date and cross my fingers, I've calculated how many words I need to write a day in order to cross the finish line. It's just a first draft, so it doesn't have to be perfect, but I'm still looking at an extended NaNoWriMo(s) time period. It will require me to write more words, more often. It will require me to become more dedicated to this idea I have of myself being a writer.

I like to set some easily achievable goals (write a post today) so I can get the feel of crossing the finish line. My "love language" is affirmations, and this is a little way I can spur myself on. If your language is gifts, make sure you have a reward waiting. An especially good piece of chocolate, for example. Or a decadent bubble bath.

Here's to our finish lines.

"There ain't nothing more to write about, and I am rotten glad of it, because if I'd 'a' knowed what a trouble it was to make a book I wouldn't 'a' tackled it, and ain't a-going to no more."

CR: Daniel's Den by Brandt Dodson (and enjoying it . . . my review will be delayed because I'm leaving for Tucson on Thursday and will only be taking my Kindle. )

It's all better with friends.


  1. You know what's better motivation than self-imposed finish lines? Healthy competition. *takes off running* Race you to the finish line! :)

  2. So . . . I've just gotta know. When's your deadline? What's your status?

  3. On which WIP? lol... My almost finished novel needs some minor rewriting, which I plan to have done by the end of April at the latest. My current WIP is about 1/4 way through, with a goal of July 1st.

    My writing time is limited, though. I have two toddlers and a husband who just had shoulder surgery (so...limited ability to help with house and kids).

  4. I'm impressed. I'm closer to 1/3 finished and am targeting July 10th.

    But right now, I'm slamming down a bagel at DIA waiting for my flight to begin boarding. Not sure how much time I'll have to write for the next week or so.
