Friday, March 1, 2013

Regardless of Current Headlines


Verb: Isolate or hide away (someone or something): "the artist sequestered himself in his studio for two years".

Noun: A general cut in government spending.

Thank you, M-W. But forget the noun. I'm seriously looking at the verb. I need the verb. I'm wanting the full frontal focus that crawling into a cave can give me so I can make the progress I need to make on my current story.

The problem? I also need to interact with people. My husband appreciates a clean smelling wife, we have a meeting with our CPA next week and, as a professional, he expects numbers and organization and well… you know. There are other little things like dinners that need cooked and errands that need run and blog posts that need written and emails that need replied to and presentations that need to be made and there's that black tie event and marketing plans to be figured out and chores to be taken care of and…


It's becoming one of my favorite words.

Have you ever successfully sequestered? How did you do it?

It's all better with friends.

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