My name is Peg
and sometimes I tend to write over the top.
Before I give you an example, let me just say that I'm working through my very own recovery program (and that's not to make light of anyone who has actually gone through a 12-step program for addiction).
The thing is, when I write over the top I get euphoric. High. Yep. It's my favorite place to be. I think that particular scene sparkles with everything a writer should strive for. I don't see the fluff. The pretense. The pure crap. I see literary style.
Thank goodness I've been anchored (yes, anchored) to some take-no-prisoners editors who've called me on it every time.
Here's my latest:
FLAMES SCREAMED out the windows, reaching up and licking the air like crack whores hungry for the next fix that could keep them going a little longer. The charged orange creatures chased the oxygen that pushed and twisted them into demented dancers. The ironic contrast between the energized heat from the fire and the snow nestled peacefully on nearby pines underscored the silence broken by the wail of sirens.
Undulating smoke changed color depending on what was being consumed, then veiled silently down the mountain valley. The shades of gray faded into a harmless and barely discernible mist, its secrets lost.
The was the old opening for FLAME GAME. While I still love it, it's history. It fed me, not the story.
As readers, have you ever read anything that sounded over the top? What did you think? Did you keep reading?
As writers, can any of you identify?
It's all better with friends.